Wednesday, March 14, 2018

There is a life behind the culture we hold...

One of the parallel events of CSW62 was titled, "Ending Child Marriage in the U.S. and Globally: Progress, Pitfalls and the Place of News Media". The panelists drew the attention of the participants to a worldwide issue that is also a current issue in the U.S.A.: child marriage, marriage under the age of 18. The panelists listed several consequences of the child marriage:
  • Child marriage increases the risk of disease onset by 23%. At an adult age, women may face cancer, stroke, diabetes, sexually transmitted infections, etc. 
  • Child marriage causes higher rates of death as a result of childbirth, unwanted pregnancy, etc.
  • Child marriage may cause psychiatric disorders. 
  • It results in girls dropping the school, not getting a college degree and earning low wages.

 Two of the panelists were child marriage survivors. When sharing their stories, it was hard to believe that it happened in a developed country like The U.S. The panelists shared how hard it was to stand up for themselves, go against their families, culture, and tradition. As one of the panelists said: "I was hoping the judge would see how terrified I was and would help me. However, my parents told me to say that I agreed to get married, otherwise, they would be sent to jail. I didn't want my family to be in jail. So, when we got to the court and when I was asked whether it was my decision, my mom, who was sitting next to me, pushed her knee against my leg and the word "yes" just came out from my mouth".

This story shows us that even in the USA children are forced to marry and there is no law that would protect them, that would keep the children safe. One of the panelists, who was the founder of "Unchained At Last" organization, has been fighting against the child marriage issue since 2011. She has met a number of governors from different states and presented the issue with its relevant statistics. She has offered to make the marriage age at least 18 and over. However, none of the governors have stood next to her to protect children's human rights that have been violated for a long period of time.

For more information watch the live video of the parallel event.

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