Thursday, March 16, 2017


Yoga is critical to stress management and it allows someone to become in touch with something greater than oneself.

The panelists included Nilima Silver, a senior UN staff member, and Nalishha Mehta, of the trade union.

Silver explained the beginnings of yoga in America as being mysterious and esoteric. Through her practice, she realized yoga's ability to help her keep focus and release tension. Many aspects of yoga are mainstream, like karma, and as people have become more aware of what yoga is, more people recognize the practice and beliefs of yoga as adding another dimension to their lives. Yoga offers us the life tools we may so choose to use within in our everyday, and so it is worth incorporating meditation sessions and workshops within the work place.

Mehta explained the power of thought. Anyone who has ever said to themselves, "I want to change the world", has started with the thought to do so. Through her practice she questioned, "How do I bring the power of thought into my work? How do I stay the same person in every aspect of my life?".

Mehta noticed a pattern of discouragement in people. At the end of a task people tend to pair the results with their own worth. If the result is good, then therefore I am good. If the result doesn't go the way we wanted, how does that impact us? It's our energy that impacts how we feel about ourselves. Through yoga, we can reenergize those trying to change the world.

Yoga and meditation are the external motivations that reignite our energy and mood.

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