Friday, March 15, 2019

Girls Learn International: Girls' Political Empowerment

Girls Learn International (GLI) is a part of the Feminist Majority Foundation.

The GLI panel consisted of 11 young women between the ages of 15 and 20, each telling their own story of how they became political activists and what kind of challenges they had encountered in doing so. It was a diverse group spread across several US states and different countries. Despite their young ages they had all contributed with remarkable things in their communities and schools that have led to various forms of social change.

The panelists were: 
Zoey Brewer
Aishwarya Rajesh
Siman Shresta
Sara Blau
Samantha Bastien
May Li
Sagoon Bhetwal
Magdalena Tesha
Julia Bintz
Irina Sandoval
Jamila Pitre 

Some of their achievements: 
One girl founded Game Changers in New York which helps all children participate in sports by collecting and redistributing sports equipment to children in need. Two of the participants were part of Women LEAD Nepal which encourages and empowers women to participate in politics in order to create social change. Some girls had formed discussion panels and networks in their schools which created spaces for youth to be heard in matters that affect them, and others had spoken up about the lack of infrastructure in their country, formed protest marches against gun violence and founded “Art to Action” which is now painting anti-gun violence murals on the school campus. Another girl was an advocate for women leadership and STEM participation, and last but not least: they were all working hard to make politics more accessible to young people and create arenas where their voices can be heard. 

I was impressed by how driven and compassionate they were about their activism. They advised the public to always push forward, to motivate others and to be passionate about your cause. I am confident they will contribute to great social change in the future.

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